Student ID Card and Library Card
From the winter semester 2024/25, the University of Siegen will provide students with a digital student ID card and a digital library card in the Uni Siegen app. Here you will find the most important questions and answers about the ID card:
How do I get the digital student ID card?
To use the digital student ID card, you only need to register with your university access data in the University of Siegen App. The student ID card is automatically stored in the app when you enroll or re-register for the new semester.
What information does the student ID card contain?
The student ID card contains the student's name, date of birth, matriculation number and ESI number (European Student Identifier). The ID card also has a hologram and an animation.
Does the student ID card include a photo?
A photo can optionally be added. This can be done directly in the app. The image is saved locally on the respective end device. Please notet this when using multiple devices.
Can I also use my library card in the app?
Yes, this is possible. To use the digital library card, you will need to activate it at the University Library. If you have already activated your USiCard for library use, you can continue to use it. When the app is activated for library use, the USiCard or a previous library card becomes invalid for this purpose. See the University Library website for information on applying for and activating a library card.
Is the Deutschland-Semesterticket integrated into the digital student ID?
No, the Deutschland-Semesterticket is available via the VWS ticket app. You can find instructions on how to activate the ticket here:
- Information about the Deutschland-Semesterticket in English
- Informationen zum Deutschland-Semesterticket auf Deutsch
I do not use a smartphone or a smartphone with Android / iOS. How do I get my student ID?
The student ID card and the certificate of enrollment can be downloaded in PDF format in unisono under „Mein Studium“ -> „Studienservice“ -> Reiter „Bescheide/Bescheinigungen“.
What happens to the USiCard?
With the introduction of the Deutschlandsemesterticket on April 1, 2024, the USiCard will no longer be valid as a semester ticket and will no longer be issued. However, holders of a USiCard can still use it to identify themselves as students at the University of Siegen. After activation, the USiCard can also be used as a library card until exmatriculation. Further information can be found here.
I am enrolled as a student at the University of Siegen and an employee/doctoral candidate. What must I consider if I want to use the digital student ID?
People who work in different functions at the University of Siegen usually have two ZIMT accounts, e.g. a student account and an employee account. It is important to use the ZIMT ID of the student account when registering in the Uni Siegen app, otherwise, the student ID will not be stored in the app.