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Grafik der USiCard

With the introduction of the Deutschland-Semesterticket, the USiCard is no longer valid as a semester ticket. New USiCards will therefore no longer be issued. The Deutschland-Semesterticket is available to students of the University of Siegen in the VWS (Verkehrsbetriebe Westfalen-Süd GmbH) app. All information about the ticket can be found here.

However, holders of a USiCard can still use it to identify themselves as students at the University of Siegen.

The USiCard can also be used as a library card once it has been activated in the University Library. When the University of Siegen app is activated for library use, the USiCard or a previous library card becomes invalid.

Replacement cards will no longer be issued for the USiCard. In the event of loss, it is therefore not necessary to block the card.

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